Painting Mood:Sad
     There is a variety of painters who have painted sad paintings. These paintings don't usually make you smile or feel happy. Instead they make you think hard on what is happening in the scene. Sad paintings usually ask questions on to what is happening. Lichtenstein made us think such questions like "Why is this girl so sad?" in his famous blue painting Drowning Girl. The oil painting shows a girl drowning in a body of water while saying, "I would rather sink then call Brad for help." You can't help but to ask "Why?" or "What did Brad do to her to make her want to Drown her self?" This painting is a great example of a sad painting.

Painting Mood: Highly Active
    Paintings with movement in them are called highly active paintings. They are very interesting to view. They always have to have some form of movement or action going on which makes the painting scenes enjoyable to view. Lichtenstein's painting, Pow, is a highly active painting. In the art piece there is a woman's fist punching a guy. there are pig red letters that spell Pow in the middle of the painting. The word emphasizes the impact the guy had to make it look like the guy got hit pretty hard. When you gaze at this painting you can't help but to notice the action going on.

Painting Mood: Peaceful
Peaceful paintings are popular for artists to paint. These types of paintings can be placed in homes, offices, and even restaurants who want to mellow the mood for their place. A great example of a peaceful painting is The Kiss by of course Roy Lichtenstein. In this oil painting not much is happening, only a woman kissing a sailor. You can not tell if the man and woman in the art are happy or sad. It just looks as if they have a lot on their minds so you do nothing but watch. This is what makes the painting peaceful. Lichtenstein got the attention of the viewers and kept them watching in "Aww". 


Painting Mood: Happy

    Happy paintings are always great to look at, especially when they are painted with bright colors and great cheerful scenes and moods. Lichtenstein often painted sad paintings with bright colors. He often painted women crying over men. In Happy Tears that was not the case. Painted with yellows and reds Happy Tears shows a woman who is crying with a smile on her face. No wonder the painting is named Happy Tears. She has joy in her that is why. The painting makes you think about what or why she is crying with a smile on her face. Only Roy Lichtenstein will ever know the true reason. We can only make are own guesses, what’s yours?